What Do We Mean by Mixed Media Solution?

The goal for self-service advertising is to provide customers with an easy to use and comprehensive media solution. Whether it is the individual trying to sell their vehicle, the real estate agent selling a property, or the funeral home providing obituary services for a family, today’s media and newspaper outlets need to provide the end user with a mixed media solution. In today’s world, these ads and notices can be shared or placed in print, digital and social media platforms. Why not provide a Self-serve advertising platform where the end user can create one instance of their notice or ad and share it across different platforms in one-step, whether print or digital.

How Gatehouse is Leading the Way.

Gatehouse Media had the challenge of over one hundred media markets whose enterprise systems are diverse and decentralized. Gatehouse wanted a standardized self-serve ad placement solution with web-based display and search options. With one base system, they could apply a customized solution across different categories: private party classifieds, recruitment, autos, real estate, and obituaries. This simplified the user experience, created a single database of customer data, integrated with internal and third party systems, and offered customers with the option to place print, digital, programmatic, or social media ads.

iPublish Media shared the Gatehouse Media Use Case during a recent LMA webinar. Brian Gorman, VP of Sales and co-founder of iPublish Media, and James Allen, Senior Sales Engineer, presented Gatehouse’s challenges and solutions for a comprehensive self-serve solution with mixed media options. You can view the presentation above or contact iPublish Media for more information on self-serve advertising solutions to help your company reduce costs and increase revenue.