I had the great fortune of joining our partners from Media News Group in their booth in California last week for the California Realtor’s Association Meeting.

California realtor conference

What a great chance to interact with brokers and agents, and hear how our clients use our software to make sales. What was immediately apparent were three things:

  • ONE: Agents and brokers are still learning about digital. I heard Eric Bloom from Bay Area News Group explain over and over the difference between a Facebook Ad and a Facebook Post, in addition what’s different about a Facebook Ad versus Facebook with lead generation. There was even some confusion about advertising online versus building a website.
    TakeAway: Don’t assume agents and brokers have digital “all figured out” and don’t need you. An expert consultation from you about the powers of O&O, programmatic audience extension, and Facebook will go a long way to winning trust and securing revenue for you! Beat AdWerx by being an actual salesperson!
  • TWO: Brokers need to differentiate themselves to attract agents. This is why LeadHax Pro Enterprise is such a winning door-opener for newspaper sales people. Don’t know about LeadHaxPro? Give Kim Safran or Malcolm McGrory a call today at (508) 366-6383 or drop us a line at [email protected] – we’d be happy to share how you can use digital to secure more print revenue.
    TakeAway: when you talk with brokers, catch their attention by telling them you can distinguish them from other brokers with LeadHax Pro.

leadhax ipublish realtor solution

  • THREE: Newspaper is still relevant to agents – you, the newspaper seller, just have to take the time to ask and share features, benefits and rates. I watched Southern California Media Group’s Dan Walker share how many qualified local buyers he can reach with the collection of newspapers offered, how affordable the rates are, and how digital services can be bundled or not. Agent after agent was surprised by how little it costs to drive tangible results to their open houses, prices changes, and new listing. They are busy people and newspaper is not necessarily top-of-mind.
    TakeAway: Educate and ask for the sale! Reach out to brokerage firms and offer to bring in breakfast for the agents for a quick eat & learn. Share the great results you can drive for agents, the good price points, and bundled solutions. You have the local staff, marketing understanding, and accountability to them versus a faceless digital only company. Stay top of mind. Ask for the business.