We gathered your questions about implementing Targeted Obituaries from the presentation with the Chicago Sun-Times and Utah Media Group (Salt Lake Tribune) at the 2020 Local Media Association Digital Summit. Here are the most common questions asked:


Both Legacy.com and iPublish Media Solutions are fully committed to the newspaper industry. They also understand that readers and readers are transitioning to digital. Both companies want to remain on the forefront of that migration. The biggest surprise of this initiative is how beloved this service is by end users and the community alike. It is rare to find a revenue-driving initiative that is as embraced by both funeral homes and families as this has been. Of all the platforms iPublish Media and Legacy.com have implemented, this has been the most remarkable.

Please note, although iPublish Media Solutions is owned by Legacy.com, the companies operate independently – in other words, you may work with Legacy & any order intake process your prefer and vice-versa, you may work with iPublish and not send obituaries to Legacy.com.

For more information or to schedule a demo, please email [email protected].