22 Oct 2019

LeadHax Drives Impressive Increases in Digital & Print Revenue

By |2019-10-22T17:15:18-04:00October 22nd, 2019|AdPortal, Case Studies, Company, Real Estate|

Since 2017, Bay Area News Group and iPublish Media Solutions have worked together to develop a real estate solution to offer self-serve programmatic campaigns to real estate brokers and agents in order to compete with AdWerx and other digital companies. Bay Area News Group came to iPublish for help to develop this custom platform that would address the Real [...]

15 Oct 2019

Site Launches and New Customers

By |2019-10-16T14:47:15-04:00October 15th, 2019|AdPortal, New Customers|

We are excited to welcome our newest partners, as we help them grow revenue and ease operations. Our new partner portals join over 570+ active AdPortals publishers around the world. AdPortals are integrated with their front-end system, credit card merchants, and pagination systems, delivering ads for print, digital, and social platforms. We are pleased to work with their teams [...]

1 Oct 2019

Lots of Learning for Newspapers at California Realtor’s Association Meeting Last Week

By |2019-10-02T16:18:59-04:00October 1st, 2019|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Conferences, Real Estate|

I had the great fortune of joining our partners from Media News Group in their booth in California last week for the California Realtor’s Association Meeting. What a great chance to interact with brokers and agents, and hear how our clients use our software to make sales. What was immediately apparent were three things: ONE: Agents and brokers are [...]

23 Sep 2019

Three Affordable (And Surprising) Ways iPublish Can Help Newspapers Achieve Success in 2020!

By |2019-09-23T15:13:12-04:00September 23rd, 2019|AdPortal, Obituary, SMB, Tributes|

Reach Your 2020 Goals For many, Fall brings more than autumn leaves. It brings budgeting and forecasting. What are your goals for 2020? Is it something like increase revenue, decrease cost of sale, give your sales force more time to sell, or provide better prospecting tools? And do you need to do all that without spending a fortune? If [...]

16 Sep 2019

Can You Make Money From Your “Contact Us” Page?

By |2019-09-16T14:39:13-04:00September 16th, 2019|AdPortal|

What if the contact page for advertising could simply complete the sale? Newspaper websites often have contact pages that require visitors to fill out a form to talk to someone about advertising. Often these links are not easy to find or contain incomplete information on how to purchase advertising for that media outlet. "The advertiser has gone to all [...]

27 Aug 2019

A Skeptic’s Guide To Adding Self-Service For Local Retail (Hint: It’s All About ROI)

By |2019-08-28T11:00:18-04:00August 27th, 2019|AdPortal, SMB|

Some sales managers don't believe local business owners will use self-service to build and buy local retail display ads. Sure, self-service works for contract users like funeral homes who place obits, or for lower-dollar liner ads like the ones we find in classifieds—but would a local business owner actually design and buy a display ad directly from your website? [...]

13 Aug 2019

“8 Ways to Increase Digital Revenue by 50% or More” – You Have To Read This

By |2019-08-14T10:35:57-04:00August 13th, 2019|AdPortal, Digital, Programmatic, SMB|

As avid readers of blogs and LinkedIn posts from industry leaders, we came across this article re-posted by our colleagues at Brainworks - “8 Ways to Increase Digital Revenue by 50% or More.” With a headline like that, we had to stop and read it. It contains some valuable tips, we agree with many of the author’s tips, and [...]

10 Jul 2019

Self-Service No Longer A Trend, But An Expectation

By |2019-07-10T14:06:55-04:00July 10th, 2019|AdPortal, Digital, Print|

Newscycle/Naviga recently recommended that their newspaper clients offer an advertising self-service portal and listed eight reasons why this gives newspapers an advantage. In addition to the convenience for advertisers and labor savings for newspapers, they also highlighted increasing evidence that customers today expect to be able to buy and pay online for their advertising for a variety of reasons. [...]

24 Jun 2019

Site Launches and New Customers

By |2019-06-25T11:21:32-04:00June 24th, 2019|AdPortal|

We are excited to welcome our newest partners, as we help them grow revenue and ease operations. Our new partner portals join over 570+ active AdPortals publishers around the world. AdPortals are integrated with their front-end system, credit card merchants, and pagination systems. We are pleased to work with their teams to get the following sites and products launched [...]

8 May 2019

How Much Could Your Newspaper Make From Tributes in a Year?

By |2019-05-09T11:16:25-04:00May 8th, 2019|AdPortal, Obituary, Print, Tributes|

Try the revenue calculator to see! Tributes—a special obituary section reverse-published and sorted from recently printed obituaries—is now available to all media companies who publish obituaries; whether they use iPublish Media's AdPortal Obituaries, Legacy.com, or even their own CMS. This means that any newspaper of record for death notices in the country could be earning more money with a [...]

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