27 Aug 2018

Millennials to Media Companies: Go full-stack or go home!

By |2018-09-05T08:31:00-04:00August 27th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, Programmatic, SMB|

Small businesses want to buy a full-stack marketing solution from a single source, according to a report from the Local Search Association. Media companies are poised to reap the rewards of this trend, so long as they solve the puzzle of how to make the margins work. Publishers and media companies need both higher margins on 3rd party digital [...]

16 Aug 2018

LMA’s “Selling Digital Marketing Services” Take-Away: Two Opportunities Stood Out

By |2018-08-20T14:30:30-04:00August 16th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Conferences, Digital, Print, Programmatic|

August 8th and 9th at the Local Media Association's “Selling Digital Marketing Services” conference, two opportunities really stood out. 1. Real Estate Opportunities First were the “facts and figures” Gordon Borrell and Jim Brown shared related to the white-hot opportunities in Real Estate. For example: The average brokerage firm spends $52,969 on advertising (average firm means 3-4 people) Real Estate [...]

30 Jul 2018

The “Halo Effect” – A Key Advantage Local Media Companies Have Over Agencies for Online Marketing

By |2018-07-30T23:47:09-04:00July 30th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Digital, Print, Programmatic, SMB|

Local media companies often overlook the full value of their ‘halo effect’, or additional value and performance of advertising that runs next to credible content. In effect, the ´trust´ in the content, rubs off on the advertising. It is time to start telling this story, and time to leverage this long-earned trust with local businesses in your community. This is [...]

17 Jul 2018

Time for self-service? Ask Amazon, Expedia and your bank….

By |2018-07-17T11:39:57-04:00July 17th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Digital, Print, Programmatic, SMB|

Most media companies consider the primary benefits of self-service platforms as a means to reduce costs of selling, delivering ads, and marketing services to small businesses. But a new article in Editor & Publisher points out that a great user-interface for transactions actually adds value for the advertiser as well. E&P included “Amazonified” ad transactions on a key benefit [...]

10 Jul 2018

Local Media Companies Have an Advantage

By |2018-07-10T14:54:12-04:00July 10th, 2018|AdPortal, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, SMB|

TRUST: The #1 Advantage Media Companies Have to Win in the Local SMB Advertising Game The research matches what we already know on a gut level: Local media companies have a key advantage over “faceless” competitors for local ad dollars. In fact, a recent Kantar Millward Brown survey found, “Consumers are more receptive to traditional media than digital ads.” [...]

26 Jun 2018

Three Must-Haves for a Successful Self-Serve Platform

By |2018-06-26T16:16:49-04:00June 26th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, Programmatic|

Three things you need for a successful self-serve program There is a huge buzz around self-serve advertising platforms. For example, on its last earnings call in April 2018, Facebook touted the accessibility of its ad platform. Many of its 6 million advertisers are SMBs (small to medium sized businesses)*. Local media companies are working to find profitable ways to [...]

12 Jun 2018

Low digital margins are the problem. Is self-serve the answer?

By |2018-06-28T13:58:47-04:00June 12th, 2018|AdPortal|

What keeps you up at night?  For digital executives at local media companies, it is often the profitability of their departments. The problem is not a new one. Digital services divisions were supposed to be able to reach into lost markets of small and medium size businesses, expanding market share and share of customer. Serving Small Business Years later, these [...]

8 May 2018

LMA Take-Away: We are local ad agencies, and we need a disciplined commitment to follow the data

By |2018-05-10T11:28:03-04:00May 8th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Conferences, Digital, Print, Programmatic|

Do you believe in data? Last week the iPublish Media team joined media and advertising leaders at the Local Media Association Digital Revenue Summit to discuss practical strategies to grow local digital advertising revenue and reduce operating costs for traditional newspaper and broadcast companies. "The market leaders from our benchmarking data look more like ad agencies than media companies," said [...]

17 Apr 2018

74% of SMB´s purchase both traditional and digital media

By |2018-05-08T15:40:56-04:00April 17th, 2018|AdPortal, balanced media mix, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, Programmatic|

SMB's use both Traditional and Digital Media The latest Borrell Associates Small Business Report shows that 74% of SMB’s use both traditional and digital media. 74% of SMB's used digital and traditional advertising together. In fact, 22% of SMB´s use only traditional media and 3% use only digital alone. So the largest market is businesses already buying across multiple [...]

10 Nov 2017

Self-serve advertising platform answers mixed media need

By |2017-11-10T15:11:01-05:00November 10th, 2017|AdPortal|

What Do We Mean by Mixed Media Solution? The goal for self-service advertising is to provide customers with an easy to use and comprehensive media solution. Whether it is the individual trying to sell their vehicle, the real estate agent selling a property, or the funeral home providing obituary services for a family, today's media and newspaper [...]

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