3 Mar 2021

Reforest America with Memorial Trees

By |2021-03-03T10:52:06-05:00March 3rd, 2021|AdPortal, Obituary|

Yes, newspapers can help reforest the country. The latest initiative from iPublish Media Solutions helps newspapers "Reforest America" with every obituary sold. Each time an obituary is placed, participating newspapers include a tree planted in a forest in need. A Memorial Certificate from The Arbor Day Foundation and the newspaper is created for the purchaser of the obituary. Families take [...]

20 Jan 2021

2020 Customers Launches Year End

By |2021-01-21T15:51:03-05:00January 20th, 2021|AdPortal, New Customers|

2020 was an unprecedented year filled with challenges, uncertainty, and hardships. At the same time it offered flexibility, patience, and perseverance as people and companies came together to make it through the year. As fate would have it self-service, work-from-home, cloud-based ad systems took on a new importance. We have worked side-by-side with our partners to develop solutions and [...]

19 Nov 2020

Find Out How Partnerships Make The Platform Recap

By |2020-11-24T10:59:19-05:00November 19th, 2020|AdPortal, Company, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, Programmatic, Webinar|

What happens when newspaper leaders join with technology leaders to ensure technology solutions meet their business requirements? Partnerships Make the Platform: Software + Strategy = Success Since iPublish Media's inception, we have listened to our partners and have consistently improved AdPortal to meet our customers’ needs. We accomplished this by creating an agile culture and flat organization which exists [...]

5 Nov 2020

Find Out How Partnerships Make The Platform – Webinar 11/17 3p.m. EST

By |2020-11-10T08:00:01-05:00November 5th, 2020|AdPortal, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, Programmatic, Real Estate|

What happens when newspaper leaders join with technology leaders to ensure technology solutions meet their business requirements? Partnerships Make the Platform: Software + Strategy = Success Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. ET / 12 p.m. PT Save Your Spot > Join us for this free webinar featuring: Edward Woods, Vice-President and Chief Revenue Officer, MediaNews Group Sally Steed, [...]

26 Oct 2020

2020 Customers Launches Part 2

By |2020-10-27T14:44:51-04:00October 26th, 2020|AdPortal, New Customers|

We are excited to welcome our newest partners, as we help them grow revenue and ease operations. Our new partner portals join over 570+ active AdPortals publishers around the world, who integrate AdPortals with their front-end system, credit card merchants, and pagination systems, delivering ads for print, digital, and social platforms. We are pleased to work with their teams [...]

7 Oct 2020

Take Back the Real Estate Vertical

By |2020-10-08T09:19:19-04:00October 7th, 2020|AdPortal, Digital, Facebook Ads, Print, Programmatic, Real Estate|

In 2016, the Bay Area News Group saw real estate revenue plummet with national digital players gobbling up the revenue, so they took action! In partnership with iPublish Media Solutions, they built LeadHax, a “digital first” real estate brand with one key advantage over the national digital players—local knowledge and nuanced audience targeting expertise. The results? Booked appointments increased, [...]

7 Oct 2020

It’s Hard To Define, But You Know It When You See It

By |2020-10-07T12:27:15-04:00October 7th, 2020|AdPortal, Conferences, Digital, Facebook Ads, Obituary, Webinar|

A recent Local Marketing Trends Podcast with Corey Elliot and Gordon Borrell discusses the results of recent Borrell Associates “Content Marketing & Branded Content” survey conducted on behalf of the Local Media Consortium. The survey results give hope to local media that Fall, and holidays advertising will be better than Spring & Summer in 2020. Gordon & Corey discuss “what [...]

25 Aug 2020

FAQ: 10 Questions About Targeted Facebook Ads Answered

By |2020-08-31T17:09:15-04:00August 25th, 2020|AdPortal, Conferences, Digital, Facebook Ads, Obituary, Webinar|

We gathered your questions about implementing Targeted Obituaries from the presentation with the Chicago Sun-Times and Utah Media Group (Salt Lake Tribune) at the 2020 Local Media Association Digital Summit. Here are the most common questions asked: How does the Facebook targeting compete, complement or make redundant Legacy.com’s new local newspaper-branded Facebook page for obituaries? The targeted [...]

18 Aug 2020

The Biggest Surprise About Targeted Obituaries On Facebook: Love

By |2020-08-31T13:17:25-04:00August 18th, 2020|AdPortal, Digital, Public Notices|

Reaching Friends and Family How do you put a price on love, on connection and on memories? Families placing obituaries, planning funerals, making arrangements have so much to think about. When it comes to sharing the news - newspapers, calls, emails, social media (they may have access to the Facebook account of the deceased) - those methods do not [...]

11 Aug 2020

Leveraging Social Audiences to Create a Better Obituary

By |2020-08-11T13:12:23-04:00August 11th, 2020|AdPortal, Digital, Public Notices|

iPublish Media Solutions and Legacy.com are hosting a roundtable discussion on new Obituary strategies at LMA's Digital Summit Week. Friday, August 14th at 1:30pm Leveraging Social Audiences to Create a Better Obituary REGISTER TODAY When was the last time you received a message from your customer like this? Find out how The Chicago Sun-Times and The Salt Lake [...]

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